Jeff Bezos advises for success

Jeff Bezos secret recipe for success is :

  • Passion : find and follow your passion, only passion helps to find the purpose and makes you dream . Our intellectual-selves sometimes rule over our passion.

  • Courage : have the courage to encourage yourself to work on something that doesn't work to understand and to experience.

  • Future : people want purposes and meanings, if you put challenges, it's like you're working in the future.

  • Be proud : be proud of your hard work and choices. You can't be proud of your gifts but grateful and thankful.

  • Inventor : to become a domaine expert You have to learn enough, but to be an inventor you have to have the ability to learn fast to become a domain expert and at the same time to have the passion of the beginner 

  • Steps : you can't skip any step, but you need passion to make those steps with ferocity.

  • Path : there is a lot of paths for satisfaction, you need to find the one that works for you.


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